Saturday, November 7, 2009

I wish I had written a long time ago, so I could be clear as day about the amazing ways that GOD is BLESSING me at this time in my life.

I will try to explain the many ways my everyday is so great and lovely

Relationships here are continuously being blessed, socially god has placed amazing new friends who can challenge and just listen and laugh with . 

At the end of septemeber my boss from america was here and opened up a conversation about how I am doing here. being open I told him that my job is not what it was last year, as I am kind of bored with the lack of problems to solve. And although I am giving back to the school via teaching photography and coaching soccer I don't feel like I am using my skills for God or the organization I work for.

Long story short a few weeks later, I was sent to Japan to work for a few weeks as a consultant for another school. A new job opportunity has been opened and next year  I may live half in indonesia half in Japan, talk about opposites.

This summer through conversations with a friend.... I had clarity that I should not and did not need to feel like I owed something to this school, l the organiztion or that God would have me stay here miserable.  That opened my mind and by giving any plans for my future over, and not stressing about it the most exciting events have been occuring. It can be nothing but God. 

I am seeing love and peace and clarity everyday in relationships with the kids that I am blessed to interact with. I am learning about grace and joy.

My second year in indonesia has been enjoyable thus far because I get to laugh a lot and see God in many different kinds of people. Its like I have new eyes or I have been broken from some serious lies and insecurties that I had...

Wow, so exciting

Jeff coners to Indonesia for Thanksgiving

Mod and Pod LaPierre to Indonesia for Christmas

what else  needs to be said