Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bless this Mess

Im daily coming to the realization that business manager of a non-profit has proved to not be a stress-free life style. I am learning and growing so much but everyday is not smiles and flowers. I really tend to internalize daily situations and set goals that create pressure for me, and it is unknown to anyone else. This doesnt always come out in kind, gentle, or loving actions. Currently a destressing factor for me, among my internalized pressure, is information that has spoken directly to the core of me as a Chrisitian.
'Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.'
If one acutally breaks these words down, it seems rather impossible to be this self-less. The impossible goal is freeing, all I can do is everyday work a little bit to be less selfish, and self-centered. Giving may be the only way to be living in a worthwhile manner.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Noisy Soul

What a bad blogger this LaPierre is. Past the 4 month mark in my new home of Kota Baru, Bandung Indonesia and in adjustment mode in every aspect. Its hard to think back about the way life was when I first got here, as now my day to day seems so normal. Riding a bicycle every morning to work, speaking indonesian, daily instantanious rain all are daily expereinces. Everyday in my job, I question why anyone would let me partake in the tasks I am responsible. There is no surprise like life after college, and this is magnified working internationally. This photo is from an Indonesian education exhibition BAIS (the school where I work) in Jakarta.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years were all a time of missing loved ones and... Beach trips. I live in such a beautiful country right now, beaches are only a few hours away and I have been blessed with some great friendships during the coast visits.
As this school year progresses, staying focused on challenging the status quo and moving forward with certain projects are my professional goals. My currect spiritual goal is Psalm 62:1 "My soul finds rest in God alone." What a blessing to have a rock of peace and rest to rely on. I am currently training for a half marathon, my over all physical goal. Some exciting trips in the future. Love to you all.